Gundam 00 Season 1 Episode 14 "Dawn of Determination"
Rabu, 15 April 2009
Title : Dawn of Determination
Story :
With Ptolemy undergoing maintenance, the members of the Celestial Being take a short day off on Earth. Meanwhile the Union, AEU, and the HRL hold a secret meeting to discuss plans for "Project G", a joint project of the three groups to try to capture or destroy the Gundams. Celestial Being decides to intervene in the military action and the Meisters are called in knowing that it is a trap. Setsuna takes a short detour to Azadistan to ask and listen to Marina's opinion of why the world is so distorted.
synopsis by :
Example Video :
Gundam 00 Season 1 Episode 1
Label: 00, 1, 14, Dawn, episode, gundam, of Determination", season
posted by Renait @ 20.38,