Gundam 00 Season 2 Episode 10 "Heavenly Light"
Selasa, 21 April 2009
Title :Heavenly Light
Story :
The surviving Katharon members plan for negotiations with the Seele Kingdom to oppose the A-Laws. Meanwhile, Celestial Being return to their asteroid base, where Setsuna retrieves the 0-Raiser. Meanwhile, the A-Laws fire a particle beam with their new orbital weapon, Memento Mori, destroying the Seele Kingdom's capital and the Katharon agents who were negotiating with the Seele government.
synopsis by :
Example Video :
Gundam 00 Season 2 Episode 10
Label: 00, 10, 2, action, anime, bandai, episode, figure, gundam, kit, model, season, toys, wallpapers
posted by Renait @ 16.54,