Gundam 00 Season 2 Episode 18 "Mixed Feelings"
Kamis, 23 April 2009
Title : Mixed Feelings
Story :
It has been four months since the destruction of the African Tower and the Federation uses the incident to transfer all military forces under the direct command of A-LAWS. Katharon has been forced to scatter in order to avoid the search for anti-federation forces. Meanwhile, Celestial Being launches an attack on the second Memento Mori weapon and destroys it using the 00-Riser's Trans-Am. They then decide that with the situation worsening the only option left is to retrieve Veda from the Innovators. However, before they can hatch a plan the A-LAWS once again discover their position and launch an attack.
synopsis by :
Example Video :
Gundam 00 Season 2 Episode 18
Label: 00, 18, 2, anime, episode, gundam, kit, mobile, season, wallpapers
posted by Renait @ 17.45,