Gundam 00 Season 2 Episode 24 "BEYOND"
Sabtu, 25 April 2009
Title : BEYOND
Story :
The Gundams continue their fight to regain control of Veda. Tieria reaches Veda but is shot in a confrontation with Ribbons. The rest of the Gundams and the crew of the Ptolemaios are also losing the battle. That is until Setsuna engages the Trans-Am Burst, disrupting the Innovators quantum brainwaves and turning the tide of the battle in their favour.
synopsis by :
Example Video :
Gundam 00 Season 2 Episode 24
Label: 00, 2, 24, anime, bandai, episode, gundam, gundam00, season, wallpapers
posted by Renait @ 17.07,