Gundam 00 Season 1 Episode 23 "The World Stopped"
Kamis, 16 April 2009
Title : The World Stopped
Story :
Neena Trinity mourns her fallen brothers while Ali makes off with Throne Zwei. Seeing footage of Setsuna's battle, Alejandro Corner curses Aeolia Schenberg's cunning. The crew examines the Trans-Am system and finds that it drains a Gundam's energy after it is used. To make matters worse, Ali arrives at the Ptolemaios with an army of GN-Xs behind him. Tieria and Allelujah go to engage but can they win even with the Trans-Am?
synopsis by :
Example Video :
Gundam 00 Season 1 Episode 23
Label: 00, 1, 23, anime, episode, gundam, mobile, season, suit
posted by Renait @ 20.43,