Gundam 00 Season 2 Episode 3 "Operation Allelujah Rescue"
Minggu, 19 April 2009
Title : Operation Allelujah Rescue
Story :
Celestial Being discovers that Gundam Meister Allelujah Haptism is alive and being held prisoner in a Human Reform League prison facility. Along with the intel, they also find that Marina Ismail of Azadistan is also a prisoner. At the same time as the rescue mission, Kataron mounts an offensive to free their captured comrades thanks to intel from Lockon. Before Allelujah escapes in his new Gundam: Arios, he is stopped by Lieutenant Soma Peries. Allelujah tells her that her true name is Marie Parfacy.
synopsis by :
Example Video :
Gundam 00 Season 2 Episode 3
Label: 00, 2, 3, anime, bandai, episode, gundam, mobile, season, suit
posted by Renait @ 20.06,